Friday, April 27, 2012

I m the Lamb of God n Lord Jesus is my good sherpherd


on 21Apr2012 in ministry, woke up at 7am.  Breakfast for at least 13 persons hasnt prepared.  Went to warm up the overnight curry first then wash up and continue with the rest of the food.  While in the minst of preparing, saw many sisters were doing their devotion, a tot came to mind to continue preparing or quiet time?  No if QT, breakfast for all will be delayed.  At tt moment, a rhyme rose: Where can you find Jesus? not in the palace, not in the court where rich men were.  He is among the poor, needy ppl where needs Him most.  Suddenly i realise while i serving the Lord's ppl and meetng their need, i m serving the Lord n tt's worship! N tot brgt me to see how Jesus rose up in the early morning, busy with meeting many ppl request - many thousands' request.  He would like to rise up and have QT with the Father if able to, but He kept this wonderful date in His heart (missing the presence of Father God) and move n to accomplish the day task tt God had for Him.  Till late night, He then went into the wood to be union with the Father.  (go before the Father God always with a heart of miss Him, hunger for Him, surely i will be filled till satisfy with His presence.  Otherwise QT juz a time of routine and chore)....thank you Lord tt i m in Spore, a lot of leisure time i can spent with you.  Help me not to waste time but treasure it as it is your grace and blessing to me tt can be with you....

Jesus Be The Center

Where will i place Jesus? No. 1 pirorty or the most important? Accoring to Israel Hougton, its to place Him in the center of all things i m involving with.  From my heart to the heaven Jesus be the center and its all about Him yeah!  

Thursday, April 7, 2011

God's word for 04n05apr2011

诗篇/Psalms 91
1He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
(Father God, may i always be aware of Your protection is upon me) 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Leader meeting on 06Apr2011

TGIF Home Party 2011 demo - its church worship service at home. Recommit ourselves back to Jesus. Ask God for word of knowledge. 1. TGIF 2. Folding n cutting paper to hell n life 3. Worship - hosanna 4. Lord supper - only by grace 5. Not forget the Lord agony - lead me to Calvary 6. DVD - further illustrate God's love 7. Testimony - how great is our God / how great thou art 8. Preaching, altar call 9. Break to small group for further discussion. Pointer from Ps Khong ~ 1. It's a worship service - less formal more personal 2. Lively Icebreaking game 3. Run tru the last week of Christ's life on earth 4. Paper cutting - bcos of the cross he went to hell for us n give us life 5. Worship - just enjoy 6. Lord supper - just be aware of new comer to make them at ease of it 7. After, give sermon. Further Notice 1. Shuttle fm mrt will cease on end apr 2. Return DVD, songs sheet by 1may to info counter 3. Consolidate form to hand out to pastor 4. Invite them to be back for Sunday Easter service (2 additional service at 2pm for special events).

FCBC Equipping System (by Ps Yong) ~ "New Life in Jesus" in Cell Group

Cell Group is Evangelise, Edifying, Equipping

Learning; Courtnative, Cyclemotor, Effective (heart) by being expose to the experience and change of heart.

Love One Another

Galatians 6:1-4

1Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. 2Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. 3If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. 4Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else, (to memorize and apply. God may you help me;))

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

God's Love

1 Corinthians 11:32 Nevertheless, when we are judge in this way by the Lord, we are being disciplined so that we will not be finally condemed with the world. (Thanks be to God for His love for us that He discipline us for our good.)