Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

New sunglass

new sunglass bought fm Woodlands MRT @ $8.90

My Hand in God's

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Cg Mtg at KAP - Garden Retreat Prayer Tent on 15Sep2008

Heart Garden Drawings by Artists: Katr, Katl, Sar, Xy & Cher all of us Kathleen & Sarah Xinyi and me
this background makes Kathleen sleepy & doze off during cg mtg, haha... very brown (didn't notice until she make noise)

Cg celebrates my Birthday during mtg

Katherine, Cherine, Serene, Sarah, Qimin & me

So surprise by their thoughtful act of celebrating my b/day....felt love!

my be strong in the Lord and to be enable to love them as Christ did

my b/day sweet!

so much food to eat!! yummy...

Farewell for Sue on April 2008 with CG

From bottom left:
Sue, me, Serene, Cherine, Xinyi,
Katherine, Yvonne and Sarah