Tuesday, April 5, 2011

God's discipline

Study of Isaiah Chapter 10 in BSF on 04Apr2011 morning on way to work, in heart plan of how to teach S a lesson for his absent to work on b4 fri and sun and caused delay in schedule. While thinking of how to make him full response of his fault, sensung tt the small voice spoke: "who r u can punish other ppl", yeah i replied i cant cos bible teaches that we can't judge others so how can i even used word to act hurt others, hmm only God can. So i prayed and asked God for His help to me not to be harsh to S. When reaching office, saw S, with no one around us, i gently asked S what had happen to him, why he didnt reported to work for both days. He teared while explaining the reason, he had dropped $3200 in thursday from his pocket and had reported to police. So i was so worried for him, cos its not a small amount. while he went to wash his face, i prayed to God on how to help him, God led me to a verse in Psalm 91:1 those whole dwell in the shelter of the most high, and at that moment God revealed that he didnt lost his money but he had gumbled and lost this money. Also God let me understand that with help of giving him money will never help him but will make thing worst to him. He only can help himself to stand firm and quite this bad habbit. Praise God what He had revealed was all correct. I able to share Christ even to S and showed him God power in revealing thing that is unknown to man. Praise God!!

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